InnoDrive is an active participant in the robotics market. We are committed to partnering with companies and organizations to create and develop projects that advance the industry.


InnoDrive is a member of the RAR Board. Russian Association of Robotics (RAR) is the first organization in Russia that unites Russian and foreign robotics companies in all areas. The goals of the association are the development of the robotics market, the expansion of international relations and the popularization of robotics.



The Consortium of Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems was created to bring together organizations to create an innovative and technological environment in St. Petersburg, to concentrate advanced technologies and competencies in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence.



The main task of the Young Industrialists’ Club is to build interaction between young industrialists and active industrial enterprises in Russia, to assist in the development of companies. Today the Club has more than 150 members from 47 regions of Russia, and the geographical composition of the participants continues to expand.

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