maxon motor ag informs you about the changes in the brushless motor EC90flat 400W. The changes will affect products with part numbers as follows: 607933, 607934, 607935 и 607936.
The cable version (V2) of the EC90 flat 400 W was equipped with Molex MiniFit connector, which is only suitable for a maximum current of 13 A. However, the low-voltage models of this motor are designed for a continuous current of 14.9 A. This is why the motor connector will be changed to a Molex MegaFit version, which is suitable for up to 23 A. The cable crosssection also changes from AWG 16 (1,3 mm2) to AWG14 (2,1 mm2).

The connector version (V1) of the EC90flat 400 W, part number 607929 (18 V) will be removed from the catalog. The connector used in it is also limited to a maximum of 13 A.
The V2 version of the EC90flat 400 W, part no. 607933 (18 V) can no longer be combined with the MILE encoder.
Changes are applied immediately. No new part numbers will be applied to the updated EC90flat 400W. Datasheet for the new EC90flat 400W can be found here. The online version of the catalog on the will be updated by the end of August.